We are moving from GSS 2.5 with DOS based boot images on the 3Com PXE server to GSS 3.2 U5 and looking to implement WinPE.
Currently we have a number of 3Com boot image menu files which point to the disk image and this is moved into place so once the PC's are restarted they boot using the required boot image so we can create or deploy images as required. The DOS boot images are about 4MB and setup the multicast session.
I have GSS 3.2 installed and can boot a WinPE image which seems to want to install agents. We dont need any of the bells and whistles as we just need to deploy a customers image that they can use. There is no need to do anything to the PC after the image has been deployed except for perhaps the option to shutdown or reboot the PC.
I cant find any easy to follow documentation on how to create a simple WinPE image that just executes ghostcast, I would prefer it if the image was complete with ghost on it but there may also be the option of using the express share and updating a batch file.
Has anyone done something similar to this in WinPE and GSS 3.x that can share some tips on how to do this. Ive been going round in circles for a couple of weeks now and would like to make faster progress.
Any help with this will be really appreciated.