Looking for some guidance or ideas on where to start for this project. I want to restore a sysprep image (disk type = Disk image, not Backup Image) to a machine. It was captured using "prepare for imaging" task and is properly imported as a disk image resource. I'd like to restore the Static IP network configuration of the wireless nic.
This is NOT the nic I manage through and the wireless nic can't (and will never) be able to speak to the Altiris server.
I was heading towards the route of a token in the unattend.xml (Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP) file using the "@tcpIP" token. The thing is I don't think this will work in any way. This is DS 7.5. I don't believe I have access to the older tokens like "%NICyIPADDR%". I am familiar with custom tokens but I'm not even sure I'm getting this static configuration in any type of inventory. Also I'm not sure I can configure the wireless nic with the unattend.xml.
Perhaps custom inventory and then a powershell script after the image application to reconfigure?
It isn't critical that the wireless nic be configured immediatly or during the sysprep phases.