We are currently going through the long process of migrating to a new v7.5 NS server, and I am currently migrating and testing clients using the 7.5 management agent. I have noticed when running jobs and tasks that we now get a popup message whenever a task includes a restart or shutdown event. The popup reads something along the lines of "Symantec Platform: You are about to be logged off". The only option in the popup is "close", and it doesn't stop the restart or shutdown from happening - so is only on screen for a few seconds. We didn't have this before in our v7.1 environment, so we'd like to turn off these popup notifications.
I assume it's a SMA policy option but I've gone through both the global and tagetted options and can't see an option to turn them on or off.
Can someone more knowledgable than myself please help me find where I disable these message?
Many thanks.